Alohomora, JEST! ๐Ÿ”‘

Here, opens the learning door of Jest!


3 min read

Alohomora, JEST! ๐Ÿ”‘

Me: So Guys! Today we will learn JEST. Excited? ๐Ÿ˜‰
You: Yes!๐Ÿ˜…
exicted Me: Let's start, then...๐Ÿคญ



Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity. It works with projects using: Babel, TypeScript, Node, React, Angular, Vue and more!


  1. Fast and safe
  2. Code Coverage
  3. Easy Mocking
  4. Great Exceptions (if tests fail, it provides rich context why)
  5. Zero Configuration


If you use yarn...

yarn add -D jest

npm fan...

npm install -D jest

Before examples, we will understand some basics global methods or objects of jest.


1. describe(name, fn)

This global method of jest creates a block that group together various tests!
For Example,

describe('arithmetic', () => {

   test('sum', () => {

  test('substract', () => {

} )

Note: describe() is not compulsory, but helps to organise the group of tests together. Note: there is describe.only() if you want to run only one describe block

2. test(name, fn, timeout)

This jest method takes 3 arguments i.e The first argument is the test name; the second argument is a function that contains the expectations to test. The third argument (optional) is a timeout (in milliseconds).
Note: The default timeout is 5 seconds.

test(' Harry can talk to snakes ?  ', () => {
    expect( canHarryTalkToSnakes() ).toBeTruthy()
} )

Please, assume that canHarryTalkToSnakes() is a function defined in some other file that returns true!

Note: If a promise is returned from test(), Jest will wait for the promise to resolve before letting the test complete.

Note: test.only(name, fn, timeout) this will run only a subset of tests which have .only()

Expect ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Expect gives us various matchers to test values against certain conditions!

You: Payal, What are matchers?
Me: hold-on

1. expect(value)

Expect, is used every time you need to test a value. And expect expects ๐Ÿ˜‚ a "matcher" function with itself always to assert something about a value. ๐Ÿ˜† For Example,

test('Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it', () => {
  expect( voldemortHasHorcruxes() ).toBe(7)
} )

So here, .toBe() is a "matcher" function

2. expect.extend(matchers)

We can use expect.extend to write our own matcher function

checkout example here


Some common matchers are as follows

  1. .toBe() - tests against equality
  2. .toEqual() - recursively checks every field of an object or array
  3. .not().toBe() - opposite of equality
  4. .toBeNull() - matches only null
  5. .toBeUndefined() - matches only undefined
  6. .toBeTruthy() - if(true)
  7. .toBeFalsy() - if(false)
  8. .toContain() - if an array or iterable contains a particular item
  9. .toMatch() - check strings against regular expressions
  10. .toBeGreaterThan() - greater than value
  11. .toBeGreaterThanOrEqual() - greater than and equal to equal

Note: same goes with toBeLessThan and toBeLessThanOrEqual

You: ๐Ÿ˜ฎ wow


thanks Here we are done, I will cover asynchronous tests in my next blog! Thank you guys for reading up till here, I hope you enjoyed and learnt something new!
See you! ๐Ÿ‘‹ bye
